4 Sweet Ways To Keep In Touch With Your Long-Distance Friends

Remember when you swore about being “Friends Forever” with your buddies from school and college? Well, the future had other plans for you. However, there are some bonds that defied the distance, the time-zone differences, and everything else that kept “friendship” apart. To those bonds, and to the ones aspiring to be like them, we have something special. We have curated a list of 4 sweet ways that will help you keep your friendship as tight as ever! 


1. Group Video Calls

Get all your buddies together, fix a time that works for all, and get on a call. Video calls have now become much more advanced than they were, which ensure a seamless conversation. 

2. Online Games

Online gaming

A fun way to keep interacting with your friends without remembering the distance is indulging in online multiplayer games. These games are very reminiscent of times you would spend together, in person.

Pro Tip: We suggest using earphones for these conversations because… you know why! 

3. Send Surprise Foods Parcels

This is only for those friends who are staying in the same country. Food is the sweetest way to make someone smile, and if a surprise parcel graces you, the smile increases 100 times! 

4. Handwritten Letters

In the age of e-mails, instant messaging, and digital advancement? Yes, yes, and yes! There is something about a personal handwritten letter that no email, dm, or text can emulate. The emotion it holds, the detail, and everything about it, is special. There is no sweeter gesture than this, we assure you! 

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